Hobbes....so that makes Evan our very own Calvin :)
A quick way for friends and family to check out what's going on in our lives and to see how our little ones are growing up.
Mom and Dan took us all down to Orlando for a long weekend and made it possible for all of us to experience one of the most amazing memory we will ever have. We had an awesome time and I am so happy that we all got to share this great time together. I have always wanted to have an up close adventure with a dolphin and this trip far exceeded my expectations. A real dream has come true all thanks to Mom and Dan.
Wow how this year has flown! I can't believe our baby is one. He is such a fun and happy little baby boy. Todd and I both agree, we had no idea that baby #3 would bring so much laughter and joy to our lives that already had so much to smile about to begin with. My heart just melts when I see him and I fall more and more in love with him everyday. And I think Todd would say the same thing too :) This little one is proof that the good Lord does knows what he's doing.
Branden's 1yr pictures, originally uploaded by Nikki KIng.
Evan couln't wait to get to school. We had met his teacher a few days before school started and he was so happy he got the teacher he was hoping for. What luck that boy has, I never got the teacher I wanted when I was in school.
What a great time we had with pretty much all of Todd's family. Bill did a head count one night and there were 41 of us. Wow! We all stayed in one huge beautiful house on the beach and pretty much ate, drank, and relaxed. This is a trip we try to make every year and we always are reminded of what a great time and how special it is to see everyone every time we make this trip. We already miss everyone and are counting down the days till Beach trip 2009!
Evan and his new baseball trophy at his end of the season baseball party.